
Showing posts from 2014

Response to Activist Teacher

On Oct. 7, 2015 Denis Rancourt, PhD offered an analysis andcommentary on my blog post, ’ 10 Lessons I Learned Running for Parliament .’ I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Rancourt in Kingston several days earlier at a Libertarian Party event and found him to be simultaneously provocative and intensely curious and was delighted that he found time to critique some of my writing. It is important to me that my beliefs are congruent with reality and so I value being challenged, especially by someone who I believe is well intentioned and equally open to revising their beliefs if presented with appropriate reason and evidence. Response to Criticisms The first criticism Rancourt has is, “ Moen avoids the fact that the fears themselves are manipulated and manufactured by governments, and by corporate entities that also fund political parties. ” I also avoided the fact that gravity exists and keeps voters firmly planted on terra firma. It’s not so much that I avoided this f...

Our Trip to The Climate War's Ground Zero

Guest writer Darren Aronofsky writes on the blog today. Our Trip to The Climate War's Ground Zero Darren  Aronofsky  and Tim Moen went to the Los Angeles area, which exist overtop of the bones of dead first peoples and an ecosystem crushed to dust on a land mass about the size of the sinking Maldives. This is a journal of their journey. Even before there was a script for my last film,  Noah , I was interested in the environmental message in scripture. Man and woman are kicked out of paradise; 10 generations later the land is so  filled with violence  that God destroys Creation in order to begin again.  Stewardship  vs.  dominion  became a big theme in the film. In representing the fallen prediluvian world that garners God’s ire, my team and I researched the parts of today’s modern world that are most violated by the hand of man. We quickly narrowed in on Los Angeles. Air quality from down here is often called the dirties...