
Showing posts from June, 2017

leadership for Libertarians

As Leader of the Libertarian Party of Canada it is my job to be the public face of the party and assume the role of Prime Minister if our party forms government. My formal title of Leader is kind of flashy and it’s an honor to hold this position, but it isn’t nearly as important as the job I share with everyone reading this and that is leadership. We all know Leaders who aren’t leaders and we also know leaders who have no official title or organizational authority. It is the small “l” leaders that make organizations effective, that inspire action, that change the world. Today I want to discuss how we can up our leadership game and become more effective leaders and how this relates to creating the kind of change we want to see in the world around us as libertarians who are also Libertarians. The Purpose Driven Life I think that far to many people view the pursuit of happiness as chasing a sustained feeling of joy, or immediate gratification, or finding a safe space devo...

Tribute to My Mom

Before she died my mom asked me to speak at her memorial. I must've written and deleted 4 or 5 speeches. I was on the verge of deleting this one but I just ran out of time to write another one and so I went with it. Seems like there are no words that would do her justice and a big part of our relationship had to do with a conflict between her faith and my atheism. If you know for a fact someone is going to hell you do whatever you can to try and save that person if you love them and that was my experience of my mother. I went through a militant anti-theist phase for awhile but softened considerably in the past few years and would go to church with my mother occasionally when visiting her. I'm still an atheist with respect to the idea of a magic person in the sky, but I realize now that this is probably a mischaracterization of my moms faith. Reading back over this memorial tribute I realize that it is fairly self-indulgent. Its all about my experience of my mother and maki...