Impeaching Redford From the Inside Out
I was recently invited to speak at a rally to impeach Allison Redford in Edmonton. The rally was organized by Richard Heathen a political activist and organizer from Grande Prairie. Here is an excerpt from the Facebook page that explains what spawned this rally:
The Alberta Government under the leadership of Alison Redford has, through it's numerous scandals and it's prolonged attack on the property rights of Albertans shown itself unfit to govern. The Redford government with it's fetish for top down central planning, has shown itself incompatible with the Alberta culture of free enterprise and adherence to property rights.
Under The Land Stewardship Act The Alberta Government has given itself the power to strip any existing rights to the land from property owners. Bill 36 is an authoritarian law giving the Alberta Government complete control over what you can and cannot do on all public and private land, every last acre of it.
With Bill 24 The Carbon Storage Act the Alberta government has stolen the property rights to the pourous spaces underneath the land, underground, which up until the passing of the Bill 24 was the property of land owners.
Bill 19 Land Assembly Project Area Act was drafted so as to allow the government to freeze any existing use of land and restrict development and prohibit landowner's from using their property in any manner that the Cabinet arbitrarily decides.
Bill 2 The Responsible Energy Development Act strips landowners rights to negotiate with oil companies and gives big oil unchallenged access to entry, without the need for any consent from landowners.
I had some considerable trepidation about attending a political rally, but when you appeal to my ego for long enough and give me a soapbox to stand on you've found my kryptonite.
Under The Land Stewardship Act The Alberta Government has given itself the power to strip any existing rights to the land from property owners. Bill 36 is an authoritarian law giving the Alberta Government complete control over what you can and cannot do on all public and private land, every last acre of it.
With Bill 24 The Carbon Storage Act the Alberta government has stolen the property rights to the pourous spaces underneath the land, underground, which up until the passing of the Bill 24 was the property of land owners.
Bill 19 Land Assembly Project Area Act was drafted so as to allow the government to freeze any existing use of land and restrict development and prohibit landowner's from using their property in any manner that the Cabinet arbitrarily decides.
Bill 2 The Responsible Energy Development Act strips landowners rights to negotiate with oil companies and gives big oil unchallenged access to entry, without the need for any consent from landowners.
I had some considerable trepidation about attending a political rally, but when you appeal to my ego for long enough and give me a soapbox to stand on you've found my kryptonite.
Here is the speech I delivered:
My name is Tim Moen. I live in Fort McMurray, you know… the black heart of Mordor. I write a blog called “The Fort Mac Philosopher” and recently got 15 minutes of fame when an article I wrote about my experience filming with Neil Young and Daryl Hannah was picked up by the national press. I write about issues from a philosophical perspective, trying to separate truth from falsehood and I also write articles that I hope inspire and empower people to take action and improve and enrich their personal lives.
My name is Tim Moen. I live in Fort McMurray, you know… the black heart of Mordor. I write a blog called “The Fort Mac Philosopher” and recently got 15 minutes of fame when an article I wrote about my experience filming with Neil Young and Daryl Hannah was picked up by the national press. I write about issues from a philosophical perspective, trying to separate truth from falsehood and I also write articles that I hope inspire and empower people to take action and improve and enrich their personal lives.
Richard asked me to speak about the philosophy of
liberty today, and I’m sure most of you know and understand this philosophy so
my goal here is to present the philosophy of liberty in a way that I hope
leaves you feeling empowered!
I came across the philosophy of liberty a little
over a decade ago. I had been going through a painful experience in my life
where I began to ask myself the question, “Why do I believe what I believe?
Where did my beliefs come from?” I realized that most of what I believed about
the world was not the product of reason and evidence but rather the environment
I grew up in. I realized I was a Christian because I was born in Canada and
that had I been born in Saudi Arabia or India it’s likely my belief about the
nature of reality would be completely different. I soon realized that people
used these cultural narratives of gods and governments as a weapon. That weapon
is called morality and the way it works is that you create rules that you
immediately exempt yourself from. Don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t counterfeit
money, don’t kidnap, don’t commit fraud….unless…unless you’re doing it for god
or government cause then it is for the greater good you see.
This destruction of my beliefs was extremely
unsettling. I felt lost, without a compass. I knew that if there was such a
thing as morality it wasn’t going to be found by listening to the priestly
class of public intellectuals, politicians and other pedlars of mysticism. The
job of these people is to produce sophisticated words, euphemisms, doublespeak,
charismatic non sequiturs that allows them and their pals to break the very rules
they create. Imagine you or some other libertarian is in the crowd when Moses
comes down from the mountain with the 10 Commandments and says, “God told me
that there’s to be no killing, no other God except me, you have to obey me…and
God also commands us to go kill all the people on the other side of that hill,
except the hot virgins of course.” Do you think you might have challenged old
Mo on his story if you were around back then? I don’t think libertarians lived
very long back in those days, and I bet being buddies with Moses probably paid
off handily in the not getting smote, and the collecting of bounty and booty
department. Its really no different today is it? It probably doesn’t hurt to be
buddies with Allison Redford.
I lost about a year of my life to a haze of
disillusionment and pain. I knew if I was to find my moral compass, to live a
life of principle and meaning I couldn’t rely on the priestly classes anymore.
I knew that if a moral code was to be taken seriously it would have to
universally apply to ALL people. Eventually I came across the philosophy of
liberty and it seemed to fit the bill. If you’ve never heard it before I’ll try
and briefly summarize it for you.
It starts with the idea that you own yourself and
are responsible for your actions and therefore own the product of your labour. If
you apply this universally you then have a moral rule called the non-aggression
principle which says you should not initiate force against another person or
their property. You shouldn’t murder, you shouldn’t steal, you shouldn’t commit
fraud, you shouldn’t kidnap. Now you could say, “Uh Tim, we already have those
rules, they’re obvious. This is stuff we learned in kindergarten.” This is
where I would refer you back to the priestly classes who specialize in
sophistry, spin and propaganda to fool you. Or more accurately to fool
themselves into thinking they are doing good of the highest order.
There’s an ancient Chinese proverb that says “The
beginning of wisdom is to call things by their real name.” We are surrounded
daily by a matrix of delusion that is reinforced by language. So if I tell
someone to give me money or I’ll kidnap them and if they resist I’ll shoot
them, then the words we use to describe it are “theft” or “armed robbery.” If
someone from government does this then its called “taxation”. If I’m at a
peaceful rally and we decide to have a popularity contest and I win the contest
and start ordering you to give me some of your money, and make you get
permission to speak or to point your signs in a certain direction, and I notice
that some people are wearing nicer clothes than others and I call them
bourgeois scum and make them give their clothes to less fashionably privileged, or
if I draw a chalk line around you and tell you that you can’t go across it
without the proper paperwork what words would you use to describe that system?
Well we call it DEMOCRACY and we worship it’s virtues! I think it’s very
important to be able to break through the matrix of language and call things by
their real name. Does anybody else have any examples they want to share:
Borders = imaginary lines, immigration = travelling from point A to B across
and imaginary line etc.
Usually we libertarians focus on problems, its
almost impossible not too, problems surround us. I think the reason the
philosophy of liberty appealed to me so much when I first heard it was that I
finally had a seemingly bulletproof philosophy that would protect me from other
people trying to control my life. I don’t think my story is unique in any way.
I think a lot of us find ourselves intuitively “getting it” the first time we
hear it. I always felt a sense of injustice growing up, that people who claimed
authority in my life had no idea what they were talking about.
I remember pissing my pants in grade 1 because I saw
my teacher treating other kids who asked to go to the washroom harshly, I
remember having to use a special training device because the authorities in my
life didn’t like the way I held a pencil even though by all accounts I was “gifted”,
I remember violent older kids physically hurting me and humiliating me on the
playground and on the bus and I remember knowing that appealing to authority
figures would make it worse, I remember being teased and ridiculed for not
being like other kids, I remember a grade 4 social studies class where an MLA
visited us and I asked him if he could build us a zoo because the teacher told
us that the government makes our lives better and I couldn’t imagine a better
way for my life to be made better than by having a zoo! And I remember feeling
humiliated when the MLA and the teacher laughed at me and quickly dismissed my
idea and then all my classmates chimed in. I remember being told by parents and
pastors about a very real place called hell where I would suffer the worst
torment imaginable if I didn’t think the right thoughts or have the right
beliefs and that this cosmic dictator knows exactly what I’m thinking and doing
every moment and not only is there NO escape but I am required to genuinely
love him and have zero doubts about this story….I remember crying myself to
sleep at night for a good portion of my childhood worried about my eternal fate.
Do any of my experiences resonate with you guys?
Have you ever felt this way in your own lives? That you were the helpless
victim of injustice?
I think that one of the reasons we are so
ineffective as a movement has to do with the injustice we experienced in our
lives that led us to embrace the liberty movement. We see the problem of
self-ownership as a problem of other people…It is they who take away our
ownership, it is those criminals who make us less free. We frame everything
from the mentality of a victim and legitimately so because we are victims.
A couple years ago I did a Masters thesis and
studied self-organizing systems. One of the key insights I learned was that
ones underlying frame of reference largely determines outcomes. You can look at
a system and ask the question “What is going wrong and how do I fix it?” or you
can look at a system and ask the question “What is going right, what is alive
and virtuous and flourishing and how can I leverage it?” Two legitimate
questions that will look at the same system, the same reality, and create
drastically different results. I realized the questions that I choose to ask
and the way I look at reality determine my destiny!
I noticed that my experiences lined up with the
mountains of research in this area; if I focus on problems and trying to fix
them it inevitably leads to more problems, the more I fought “the man” and
clobbered him over the head with reason and evidence the more I suffered, the
less free I became, the more I retreated into a fortress of solitude angry and
frustrated at other people and the world. On the other hand when I stayed
grounded in the present and focused on all the things that are going right in
my life, the things that are baring the most fruit, the things that are
creating the most value; I gain more power over my own life, I become happier, I
become more connected with those around me, I become more FREE…suddenly I find
I’m not a victim anymore.
Ownership isn’t a legal construct so much as a
biological process. It is the way life comes into existence and grows and
flourishes. It is often called homesteading, you take your creativity and
labour, mix it with raw resources and create something valuable that never
existed before. This is how I now view my role in the world. I’m not here to
engage in protective force, to fortify my defences….this does not create
ownership, this does not create property, this does not create value…I am here
my friends to create not to defend. We’ve been defending our ideas for to long
and I say its time to stop being victims and start being bad-ass beacons of
truth, justice and self-ownership.
One of the things I learned in the past couple years
is the degree to which I don’t own myself, the degree to which I don’t exercise
self-ownership, the degree to which I make myself a slave. What’s your
narrative when some asshole cuts you off in traffic? Do you immediately play
the victim card, get angry and chase him down so you can give him the finger or
pull him over, jersey him and feed him a flurry of uppercuts? Does your mind go
to a place of anger, frustration and violent fantasy? Does it ruin your morning
or your day when that happens? When you let your mind go to these places you
know it doesn’t serve you, that nothing good can come of it and yet you allow
it to happen. You might even say “That guy ruined my day.” This is not
self-ownership, you might as well put a dog collar around your neck and hand
that asshole a leash and tell him you’re his bitch for the rest of the day, the
price you pay is the same.
We are our own worst slave masters, holding power
over our own self that prevents us from taking action that will SET US FREE!
Impeachment is the process of removing a criminal from office. Impeaching
Redford is cool, all politicians are engaging in criminal activity and ought to be impeached. I’ve found that the most fruitful activity is impeaching the
criminal in my own life, the voice in my head that prevents me from exercising
self-ownership, the ghost of my childhood beliefs that removes power from my
life and distracts me by reminding me I’m a victim, that I’m powerless,
impeaching that criminal has paved the way for every good thing, every freedom
I’ve obtained. Politicians aren’t the only people who are excellent at using
language to fool themselves and others into thinking that their immoral
activity is for the greatest good. I used to hit my kids when they done wrong
and I called it “spanking”, I now call it “assault”…if you understand the incredible
pain that realization causes a father who loves his children deeply then you
understand why we hate facing reality in our own lives and why others including
politicians might be motivated to shield themselves from the reality of their own lives. At the end of
the day, as painful as it has been, impeaching the slave master in my life has
born the most fruit, it has set me FREE!
Fear holds us back. Fear is how we are ruled and how
we rule ourselves. Fear of facing reality and what that might mean for our
life, fear that we might be bright shining lights and not shrivelled helpless victims whose lives are determined by the whims of the powerful.
Without our fear priests and politicians have no power, without fear our inner
slave master has no power. I’m going to close with one of my favourite poems:
Our Deepest Fear
By Marianne Williamson
By Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.
We ask
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing
Does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.
Does not serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all
meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
It's not
just in some of us;
It's in everyone.
It's in everyone.
And as we
let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
Look at what is alive here today my friends. We have
each other, we have a meaningful conversation, we have a fellowship that gives
us power over our own lives through support and encouragement, we have the sun,
we have beauty, we have love. Allison Redford has no power here, she has been impeached in our lives because she is as irrelevant as the slave master in our head.
Wow! Wonderful story of your personal enlightenment to liberty. Thank you for sharing. It is the sharing of our intimate personal moments that encircles us with loved ones and a caring community. Your words are very liberating to me. I truly respectfully appreciate your friendship. I wish you well Tim.